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Le ‘statut’ de recrutement des participants est défini comme suit :
- Not yet recruiting – Le recrutement n’a pas commencé
- Recruiting – Le recrutement est ouvert
- Enrolling by invitation – Le recrutement est ouvert à une population spécifique qui est invitée à participer
- Active, not recruiting – Le recrutement est fermé, Les participants sont toujours suivis dans l’étude
- Terminated – l’étude a été arrêtée prématurément
- Completed – l’étude est terminée
Last Data Refreshed @ 12-Sep-2024 02:51:53 UTC
Showing : 1 – 5 de 150 clinical trials
Follicular Lymphoma
Refractory Follicular Lymphoma
United States of America (the)
Not Yet Recruiting
A study to assess efficacy and safety of oral tazemetostat in adult participants with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma that does not have an “EZH2 gain-of-function” genetic mutation
The purpose of this research study is to learn about the effectiveness and safety of the study drug, tazemetostat, in adults with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma whose tumours do not have an “EZH2” genetic mutation. Follicular lymphoma is a blood cancer. It affects white blood cells called lymphocytes. White blood cells normally help to fight infections, but when you have follicular lymphoma, the blood cells can form tumours in your body. ‘Relapsed/refractory’ follicular lymphoma means the disease has either not improved or is getting worse (progressing) during or after previous treatment. Tazemetostat already has approval in the United States for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma with or without the “EZH2” mutation who have no satisfactory alternative treatment options. This study is being conducted to better understand the effectiveness in patients whose tumours do not have an “EZH2” genetic mutation and who previously received therapies commonly used in the U.S. in your body. ‘Relapsed/refractory’ follicular lymphoma means the disease has either not improved or is getting worse (progressing) during or after previous – 5 – SM D form protocol master data -INT / Version 1 treatment. Tazemetostat already has approval in the United States for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma with or without the “EZH2” mutation who have no satisfactory alternative treatment options. This study is being conducted to better understand the effectiveness in patients whose tumours do not have an “EZH2” genetic mutation and who previously received therapies commonly used in the U.S. In this study, all participants will receive the study drug. It will be taken by mouth (orally), as a tablet, twice daily. The sizes and number of tumours according to scan results will be collected as well as results of safety tests (such as physical examinations and laboratory tests). The study consists of 3 or 4 periods: ? Screening period may take up to 4 weeks and require at least 1 visit. ? Treatment period will require 2 visits for each of the first 2 months, followed by 1 visit every month for the remainder of the first 6 months, followed by 1 visit every 3 months (except for women of childbearing potential [WOCBP], who will continue to have a visit every month) until unacceptable toxicity, disease progression, or the start of new systemic anticancer therapy, whichever is first. ? Safety follow -up period will last for 1 month after the last dose of tazemetostat, and it will end with 1 visit or telephone call. ? Long -term follow -up period is only for participants who stop taking tazemetostat while their disease continues to respond; this period will last until disease progression, start of new cancer treatment, or death from any cause, whichever is first. Tazemetostat will be provided to participants who tolerate it for as long as their disease does not progress. Participants may be transferred to another study or program after about 2 years for continued treatment with tazemetostat or for long-term follow-up. Patients may withdraw consent to participate at any time.
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Safety and Tolerability of A3907 in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
This study will test a drug called A3907 to see how safe and tolerated it is for treating people with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). Detailed Description: The primary goal of this study in participants with PSC who are treated with A3907 is to assess the safety and tolerability of A3907 following repeat doses. Secondary goals include evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of A3907 (the study of how the body interacts with A3907 for the entire duration of exposure) and changes in safety parameters via laboratory testing such as liver enzymes, bile acid levels and markers of bile acid synthesis.
Alagille Syndrome
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
United States of America (the)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Long-term Safety and Efficacy of Odevixibat in Patients With Alagille Syndrome
An Open Label Study to Evaluate the Long-term Safety and Efficacy of Odevixibat (A4250) in Patients with Alagille Syndrome (ASSERT-EXT). Detailed Description: Approximately 35 sites will be initiated for this study in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific.
Moderate To Severe Upper Facial Lines
A Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of IPN10200 in Adult Participants With Moderate to Severe Upper Facial Lines
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy profile of increasing doses of IPN10200 in comparison to placebo, with the aim to discover the doses(s) that offer the best efficacy/safety profile when used for the treatment of moderate to severe Upper Facial Lines. This study will be conducted in three stages. The full study (including all stages) will have a maximum 448 participants. The protocol is currently approved up to stage 1, step 1 and stage 1/ step 2. Stage 1 (phase Ib & II) Step 1 (Phase Ib): a dose-escalation first-in-human step in participants with moderate to severe Glabellar Lines (GL) Step 2 (Phase II): dose finding step in participants with moderate to severe GL as compared with Dysport Stage 2 (phase II) – An evaluation of efficacy and safety of IPN10200 in one of the following regions: GL + forehead lines (FHL) or lateral canthal lines (LCL) Stage 3 (phase II) – A safety and efficacy evaluation of IPN10200 in all three regions (GL, FHL and LCL)
Advanced Malignant Solid Tumor
Hepatic Impairment
United States of America (the)
A study to compare the safety and blood levels of Tazemetostat in Participants With Advanced Cancer and Moderate/Severe Liver impairment to Participants with Advanced Cancer and Normal liver function
This main aim of this trial will be to study the blood levels (known as pharmacokinetics) of the study drug tazemetostat. The pharmacokinetics of the study drug in participants with advanced solid tumors and moderate or severe hepatic (liver) impairment will be compared with participants with advanced malignancies and normal hepatic function. An advanced malignancy is a cancer that is unlikely to be cured or controlled with treatment. The trial will also study the safety and the level that adverse effects of the study drug can be tolerated (known as tolerability).